How to Recognize a Good Recruiter?

So, you’ve decided that you want a new job. You’ve updated your LinkedIn profile and suddenly you are a prey, haunted by a dozen recruiters per day. The key thing for finding a good job is to learn how to recognize quality and professionalism in the sea of recruitment companies today. This brings you one step further to achieving your goal. This blog post will help you recognize a good recruiter once you had luck to get in touch with them.

1. They know the field they work on

– They have a huge understanding about the job requirements, benefits and details. They speak clearly and they never leave you with a single question mark in your head. A mix of good understanding of the job and the corporate culture of their client is always a good sign.

2. Well-connected

– They are constantly active on social media and job boards. A good recruiter is always interested in the new trends and is always willing to broaden his network. You can find them attending webinars, meetups or recruiter conferences.

3. Approachable and pleasant

– If I can give one advice, that would be: “Stay away from negative and pushy people!” I understand that today’s market is filled with competition, but staying positive and pleasant makes the some recruiters stand out from the crowd. A good recruiter should always make you feel positive and relaxed after the talk.

4. Good listeners

– One of the best characteristics in a recruiter would be his willingness to really focus and listen to what you have to say. This is very important because it will give him real understanding of your profile and experience. They will know what are you looking for, and therefore – they will know which of their clients they should send your CV to.

5. Big influence

– Every good recruiter knows how to be “salesy” and persuasive. In the end, in order to be successful, they need to know how to “sell” their candidates to the clients. In many cases, they need to persuade the hiring managers that their candidates are the best fit for the job.

So, did you already find the perfect recruiter? Let me know in the comments. Good luck!

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